Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Ok,ok. I'm now obviously a full grown man. But I clearly refuse to grow up without a fight. The latest example, I suppose, is that I broke down and purchased the "Paul Westerberg Signature" guitar that is being marketed by a new guitar manufacturer, "First Act"...and it arrived this morning!
You shoulda seen me open the box with excitement and anticipation not seen since the "Dad" in "A Christmas Story" opened that Godawful lamp(i.e., "It's a major award!").
So...it arrives in a box that makes it seem like it's a toy guitar(it's not-atleast not when I get through with it)and,on the box, is a practically life size likeness of Paul W. Which probably explains that pissed off expression on his face. He does not look happy at all! It's as if you can hear the voice of Nigel,in "This is Spinal Tap", saying to his manager,"It's a complete cartastrophe! I mean, look! Would you be seen 'olden this?No! I din't think so! Awright,"A",Exhibit A!!"
But you gotta support Paul W in anything that might actually make him a bit a currency-and the guitar(once modified), I think might actually be pretty cool for me to play on stage(with tongue firmly in cheek). Plus, the damn thing costs all of like $170 bucks so it's not like I'm gonna have to cash in the IRA in order to get it.
Still,it's the musician's equivalent to wearing a football jersey with another man's name on it; probably shouldn't do it once over 35 years of age...and Keef, God bless 'em, prolly would never put out a signature Tele nor play another man's 'signature guitar'. But snort one? Hmmmm......


Charlie said...

It would be great if the Signature guitar also came with an inflatable stage. That way, you could throw beer at it and knock the life-sized cardboard Paul Westerberg off the stage while playing Here Comes a Regular. I confess I covet the guitar....

Monty Warren said...

That'll prolly be me gettin slammed with beer cups in a few months.

Charlie said...

Then you'll have to practice getting so polluted you forget the words....vintage P.W. performance!

Love the blog.

Wolfdog said...

I've played a few gigs with mine, and havent been laughed at openly yet...

It could stand new tuners and the fretboard needs a ton of oil.