Friday, July 13, 2007

"Happy Friday The 13th...Fuckhead"

So I sluggishly awaken this beautiful Friday the 13th, put some coffee on and decide I'd better go get the mail outta the mail box cuz I've been out of town(Had to go to Indy-arrived at 1:30am,had a couple of hours of sleep before runnning off for a meeting-same old,same old). And I find a letter from none other than THE IR FUCKING S!
Well, the first thing I'm thinking is something along the lines of, "Man, I've had a really hard last couple of days and the last thing I need is the FUCKING IRS!!!" But I open the letter,brace for impact and am informed that I....OVERPAID my '06 taxes and that they.... OWE ME over 6k!!!!!
Oh joy! Oh Merciful Heaven!! At last I am repaid for my good works and austere(hope that's a word) life style!Who says Friday the 13th only brings bad luck and frustration to all!
So I recover, count my good fortune and decide to move on through the mail and what do I find? Why it's a strange sight indeed. It is a mutilated, crumpled, shat upon letter of some sort that is housed within a plastic baggie that has the logo of The US Postal Service embossed(hope that's a word). Upon closer inspection I'd swear that it's,it's...MY TAX CHECK REFUND!!! It is so hoplessly mangled that no bank will ever negotiate it's legal tender!
Now that's more like it!! At last, the ying has returned to it's yang and all is right and natural in the world. For photographic evidence(for on this blog,and only here, I tell no lies)see below...and HAPPY FREAKIN FRIDAY THE 13TH!

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