Friday, July 27, 2007

Be Careful What You Wish For....

Ok-so it seems that Terry Anderson and The O.A.K.Team have finally lost their minds and have decided to take a run at being on some fool TV show that(God! I can barely get this out without hurling)THE FOX NETWORK!!(Pardon me....uuuhyaaachhh!!!!)will be running in the Fall. The show is called something like "America's Greatest Band Contest", is sure to be rigged as well as hard to watch and/or listen to...BUT! Terry's my Lord and Savior and if he and the boys wanna put themselves through this nonsense, who am I to throw stones?
So...I'd rather light a candle fer 'em than to curse their darkness and am urging you-yes-you-my little lost 13 year old Web surfer looking for the Monty Python site, to remove your finger from your right nostril and to get over to and cast a vote or 30 for Terry Anderson and The Olympic Asskickin Team. If nothing else, you need to go to the site and check out the video they submitted-it contains the classic "splash down" that Big Daddy Dave did on the last power chord of the night when they played at my party last March(yes-that's my pool and I was actually playing with them when he pulled that little stunt; so I missed it the first time cuz I was inside 'on stage' while he casually strolled out to the pool deck,with his wireless unit on his guitar, and did a Pete Townsend straight into the friggin pool!).
I happen to think that God has a wicked sense of humor and may just send their asses to Vegas over this and then...all Hell's gonna break lose! So if you love to watch a good car crash(and it seems that every good redneck NASCAR watcher does),then for God's sake-VOTE!!!

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