Wednesday, August 29, 2007

What to Do;What To Do...

Have you ever been in the situation where you thought that you knew in your bones who somebody was and completely trusted them only to later find that they had been playing you all along? Have you ever been in any situation that you felt in your bones that you understood, only later to find that you were completely wrong? Have you ever looked at someone and felt that you instantly knew their life story...and loved them, anyway? Have you ever felt like giving up on love and relationships because they always inevitably seem to bring more pain and heartache into your life than joy and pleasure?
Have you ever thought that you were finally on your way to becoming a happier,better version of yourself only to be told that you have to hide that part of yourself in order to be successful or to be accepted by a particular audience or by the business world? Or have you ever found that you could not be with the person you really loved because they were not available to be with you or vice versa? Or, have you ever felt that there are people who dislike you so intensely that they root for you to fail?
In spite of all of these types of life experiences, is there some part of yourself that remains desperately optimistic and hopeful about life,love and the world?
All of these things, to one degree or another, are what I have been living through over this most recent(and,God willing,not last) chapter of my own life. The only constructive thing that I could think of to come up with was to make each of these little problems into the subject of a song.
So,for the low, low price of probably $13, you will soon be able to buy my CD and hear all about it, while you shake your ass.
We'll laugh,we'll cry,we'll dance. You'll be glad you came.
Forget it Jake, it's Chinatown.

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