Friday, January 25, 2008

It's Not Your Job To be As Confused As Nigel...

Ok,ok-so it's obvious that I need handlers. I screwed up yesterday and gave you, oh gentle reader, the incorrect address to my 'new and vastly improved' Myspace page. The correct address is and I'll post a link there from this Blog.
Incredibly, after being up only 1 day-it has already gotten about 130 hits as of this morning. Also,it is a real thrill for me to see the folks who have already enrolled as my 'friends'-a list ranging from some cool bands to my guitar hero and now friend in 'real life', Rick Richards.

I wish to thank again, Dave Bartholomew and Raymond Goodman for helping to set this up in a way so that the general public will be fooled into thinking that I'm an actual 'bona fide' rock star. I am truly blessed to now know folks such as these.

So if you have not yet visited-give it a look. You can hear a track from the upcoming record and see some very cool photos. I'll also post some interesting videos as well as provide show and record release info.

So c'mon in! As it turns out, the water's pretty damn fine. Who woulda thunk it.

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