Monday, January 21, 2008

Barry Herndon Rocks!


We played Slim's Downtown on Friday and,despite having 2 bandmembers who were sick as dogs,I have to say that we hit it outta the park. The bandmembers of the headlining band, Watershed,turned out to become big fans of the band and were rocking out directly in front of the stage and cheering me on throughout the set. About 20 people approached me after the gig to give us kudos on the set. It was like some kind of dream.
But I want to tell you that this band wouldn't rock like we did without a great drummer like Barry Herndon. This guy is a real pro and is among the first drummers I've played with who understands that "less is more" and hits the livin shit out of the back beat I need. He's also one Helluva nice, level headed and responsible guy.
In fact, I am blessed to be in a band with each of the folks who have stepped forward to help me get this thing off the ground(Joe Yerry-guitar, Lutie Cain-bass) and will provide features on each of them in the coming pages.
Anyway, the record("Trailer Park Angel") is nearly complete and I couldn't be more pleased with the rough mixes I have heard. It looks like it will be mastered the first week of February and may be ready for world release by April. I will post a free sample on my myspace page(search myspace for montywarrenandthefrigginwhatevers if you're interested) in the next day or 2. Artwork and photos are being finished up as I type.
It's all very hard to believe. Meanwhile,gotta get back to real life for a while-as Tom Waites wrote,you gotta get behind the wheel every mornin and plow.
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