Saturday, January 26, 2008

It's Alive!! It's Alive!!

Silver train is a rollin. Think I'm gonna get on board. Oh yeah....
The offical band web site is now up and provides a much easier link to the Myspace page. Go to for all Friggin, all the time.

Peace,love and Friggin Whatever,dude!

Friday, January 25, 2008

It's Not Your Job To be As Confused As Nigel...

Ok,ok-so it's obvious that I need handlers. I screwed up yesterday and gave you, oh gentle reader, the incorrect address to my 'new and vastly improved' Myspace page. The correct address is and I'll post a link there from this Blog.
Incredibly, after being up only 1 day-it has already gotten about 130 hits as of this morning. Also,it is a real thrill for me to see the folks who have already enrolled as my 'friends'-a list ranging from some cool bands to my guitar hero and now friend in 'real life', Rick Richards.

I wish to thank again, Dave Bartholomew and Raymond Goodman for helping to set this up in a way so that the general public will be fooled into thinking that I'm an actual 'bona fide' rock star. I am truly blessed to now know folks such as these.

So if you have not yet visited-give it a look. You can hear a track from the upcoming record and see some very cool photos. I'll also post some interesting videos as well as provide show and record release info.

So c'mon in! As it turns out, the water's pretty damn fine. Who woulda thunk it.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Hey! Psst....Wanna Hear Somethin...?

Big Daddy Dave Bartholomew,bless his rockin heart,has set me up with a proper Band Myspace Page. This means that, if you go to it, you can hear free samples off of my upcoming record. So, if you're interested, go to
This will be the 'official' Page and will be updated with more goodies, pics,videos,show info, record purcharse info,etc.

Monday, January 21, 2008

Barry Herndon Rocks!


We played Slim's Downtown on Friday and,despite having 2 bandmembers who were sick as dogs,I have to say that we hit it outta the park. The bandmembers of the headlining band, Watershed,turned out to become big fans of the band and were rocking out directly in front of the stage and cheering me on throughout the set. About 20 people approached me after the gig to give us kudos on the set. It was like some kind of dream.
But I want to tell you that this band wouldn't rock like we did without a great drummer like Barry Herndon. This guy is a real pro and is among the first drummers I've played with who understands that "less is more" and hits the livin shit out of the back beat I need. He's also one Helluva nice, level headed and responsible guy.
In fact, I am blessed to be in a band with each of the folks who have stepped forward to help me get this thing off the ground(Joe Yerry-guitar, Lutie Cain-bass) and will provide features on each of them in the coming pages.
Anyway, the record("Trailer Park Angel") is nearly complete and I couldn't be more pleased with the rough mixes I have heard. It looks like it will be mastered the first week of February and may be ready for world release by April. I will post a free sample on my myspace page(search myspace for montywarrenandthefrigginwhatevers if you're interested) in the next day or 2. Artwork and photos are being finished up as I type.
It's all very hard to believe. Meanwhile,gotta get back to real life for a while-as Tom Waites wrote,you gotta get behind the wheel every mornin and plow.
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Sunday, January 13, 2008

Raymond Goodman Rocks

One of my favorite scenes in Pulp Fiction is the one where'The Wolf' tells Vincent Vega and Jules Winfield to 'get to work' and Vincent says,"'please' would be nice".
Winston Wolf(who has been called in to essentially do the thinking for these two hitmen who are now in a jam and need someone to help them figure out how to get out of it)stops dead in his tracks and says, "come again"? Vincent, steps forward and repeats his request and explains that, although he respects Winston, he does not appreciate anyone barking orders at him and suggests that a showing of mutual respect would be more likely to result in improving Vincent's performance.
Yesterday, I spent all day and most of the better part of the night working with different artistic directors(for lack of a better word),each with different styles and approaches to their craft and I came away with a new appreciation for Tarantino's inclusion of that scene with Winston Wolf in the final cut of Pulp Fiction.
The Wolf proceeds to pointedly explain that, if he fails to include common courtesies in his dealings with them it is only because he talks fast, thinks fast and,if self preservation is an instinct that the 2 hitmen possess, they'd better listen to him and act fast.
Which brings me to yesterday. I spent all day with one of the leading, most sought after rock photographers in Raleigh, if not the Southeast. His name is Raymond Goodman. If there is a 'creative artist' type guy who could have justfified acting like a diva and barking at his novice subject all afternoon, Raymond could
have gotten away with it because his work product is so outstanding and special that he would be in constant demand even if he was a prick(see e.g., stories about Annie Leibovitz). Yet, Raymond could not have been nicer, more hospitible,and more respectful of me and my opinions and visions while at the same time being completely honest and driven by the pursuit of perfection. This, gentle reader(s)is not easily come by in the world.
To again quote from Pulp Fiction, "It is a miracle and I want you to fucking acknowledge it!'

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

What I Did On Christmas Vacation...


Whoa daddy! What a holiday it was. Saw Neil Young at Reverend Ike's Theatre in NYC. Had dinner, lunch, and alot of Vodka with Keith Christopher. Opened for Terry Anderson at his annual Christmas show in Raleigh, which this year took on added meaning since it was also a memorial for Dave Enloe. Dedicated myself, as a New Years' resolution, to continue to piss the world off by having way more fun than anyone else you know can get away with and still somehow be a productive and prosperous member of what is losely known as society...
Anyway, here are a few pics to give you a glimpse into this wild ride. I promise you that '08 will be a Happy Friggin New Year!
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Big Daddy

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Grace (Mrs. T-51) Anderson Leads the Band During 'The Woods" Set-Xmas '07

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God I Love To See My Girls On Stage!

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Balloons From My Sister Arrived Just Before Showtime

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Slick Judge Vic and T-51

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Pilate Looks Like I Feel These Days

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