Thursday, July 19, 2007


You ever been in a situation where you have to deal with a person who is trying to bully you? Sure you have-probably daily. Seems like more and more, they're everywhere,aren't they?
We wake up in the morning and some of us have to live with them. We then get in our car to go to work and they're all over the road-trying to push us around. We get to work and they're either our bosses,our teachers,co-workers, clients or business partners.
We get through the day somehow, decide to fight our way through these same bullies on the road again and perhaps stop off at a bar or a restaurant or a grocery store or the mall and-AGAIN-there they are-talking too loudly,bumping into us to move us away from a bar, cutting in line,picking a drunken fight,castigating the waiter or sales clerk or anyone who they perceive to be too weak or too polite or too passive to get up in their grill and say," Enough! This agression will not stand! Across this line you do not cross!!"
So what do you do and when do you do it? Do you fight everyone? Do you stand your ground at every perceived transgression? If you do, you probably will end up dead, injured, jailed or institutionalized. On the other hand, there comes a time-and you know it when you see it-when you have to say, "I'm as mad as Hell and I'm not gonna take it anymore!"
For me, in certain phases of my life, that time is now at hand. I hope that you,gentle reader, never have to live through such times and that you are blessed, on a daily basis, with the judgment,patience and fortitude to know it when your time to take action is upon you.

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